For Sellers, Vendors or even brands without an Amazon account…

1) Market Scan

A must for every brand with a retailer structure

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  • Which of my products are listed on Amazon?
  • Which products are available for customers?
  • What is the price level of my products?
  • How well or poorly are my products rated?
  • Which products are already sales drivers?
  • What about the product data quality?

Once your brand is offered on Amazon, no matter by whom, you should have an objective overview of availability, retailers, prices, ratings and data quality across all marketplaces.

Then make the right decisions about market potential, portfolio, sales model, retailer cooperation and possible marketing measures in the area of SEO/content and advertising.

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2) PQS Analysis

That’s how easy SEO analysis works today!

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  • How well are my products optimized?
  • How can I improve the rankings?
  • How can I increase the conversion rate?
  • How good is my competitors’ content?
  • Which products should I focus on for SEO?

The PQS analysis calculates a score for each product based on the product data quality and provides concrete optimization tips for each product area, e.g. for images, titles, bullet points and description.

It couldn’t be easier and faster – this is how SEO analysis and optimization works today!

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3) Portfolio Analysis

Identify Amazon opportunities & risks!

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Which products & categories

  • are trending & should be focused on?
  • have even more potential through SEO & Ads?
  • have which sales share and sales growth?
  • become slowly less important?
  • are suddenly losing a lot of sales share?

ROPT analyzes all performance data and calculates rankings for sales share, sales growth and content quality.

According to the BCG matrix, this results in four quadrants that entail specific recommendations for action!

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4) Audience Analysis

How your customers search & buy on Amazon!

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  • Which search terms do my customers use?
  • Which products are often bought together?
  • Which brand is purchased as an alternative to mine?
  • Which keywords have the largest search and sales share?

Audience analysis uses first party data from Amazon and provides an optimal basis for improving Amazon strategy, content optimization (SEO) and advertising campaigns.

Don’t speculate, stay one step ahead of your Amazon competition with data-driven decisions!

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Our mission: Precise analyses, forecasts and decisions with the best Amazon marketplace data at category, brand and product level.
Moritz Meyer, Co-Founder

ROPT® gathers all Amazon data & much more…


Daily updates + historical data

Amazon Seller

  • Sales / Units / Refunds Share / Refunds
  • Conversion-Rate / Sessions / Views / Cart Value
  • CPO (Cost per Order) / TACOS / Organic Share
  • Inventory with Parent Child Relations
  • Content Score (PQS)

Amazon Vendor

  • Shipped Revenue / Shipped Units / Shipped COGS
  • Average Selling Price / Customer Returns
  • CPO (Cost per Order) / TACOS / Organic Share
  • Inventory with Parent Child Relations
  • Content Score (PQS)

Amazon Advertising

  • Sponsored Products (all key figures)
  • Sponsored Brands (all key figures)
  • Sponsored Brands Video (all key figures)
  • Sponsored Display (all key figures)
  • Ad Sales / Ad Costs / Ad Share / ACOS / ROAS…

Amazon Market

  • Product (Brand, Price, Title, Images, Bullets, A+, Video…)
  • Review Rating / Review Count / Questions
  • Sales Ranks (Main & Sub Category)
  • Buybox Price / Retailers / Retailer Links
  • Keyword Ranks

Did you know? ROPT® runs 10 million product updates every month – so you can make better decisions!

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